sâmbătă, 6 iunie 2009

liant asociativ

I cannot remember the day I woke up to my surgery, but I felt controlled after the very beginning…

Stateam pe canapea, intr-o incapere ce amintea de familiarul instantelor de cuibareala pe canapeaua oanei si in pat cu freud, proiectat retrospectiv pe fundalul unor amintiri din locul I. ... idealizau fotografii vechi, cu alti tipi cu care am inselat... fericirea unui tip brunet ce parea sa se fi cuibarit intr-o vedere pe canapea, luandu-mi locul... brunet, imbracat in negru, figura ascutita si increzator ca de partea cealalta a secventei video il priveam chiar eu...

tot ce imi amintesc sunt incercari ratate de pornire a generatorului... simt undeva ca aveam nevoie sa fiu cu tine, zambetul tau inclus in pixelii ochiului meu fotografic... unde anume s-a produs frantura de un loc familiar a devenit profesionist familiar si delimitat de geamuri moloz, culoare de spital, ignorante in spatele unor coloane care aduceau a locul P. ... si intunericul... se luase lumina intre mine si R. dupa ce mi te-a trimis pe holurile casei albe, la un etaj superior... te-am imbratisat si am convenit in realitate ca suntem intr-un vis mut asa ca singurele secvente palpabile sunt culorile, formele, texturile, paloarea culorilor precum si singura replica de pe finalul acestui vis...

R. a spus ca ne asteapta sus... trebuia sa ne intalnim cu alti cativa colegi intr-un hol pe o canapea umbrita de siluetele lor stand in fata unei camere video pozitionata jos, la nivelul genunchilor... culorile erau mustar intunecat, pe alocuri roz... pareau vechi si moldy si prafuite mai ceva ca hala din spatele coloanelor pe al carei paviment incarcat cu resturi de constructii eu si cu tine am inceput sa pasim spre o usa pozitionata pe diagonala, in drepta unor ferestre frontale ale halei care dadeau spre orasul luminat si pozitionat la etaje mai mult decat inferioarele pe care le crezusem... mergeam pozitionati vertical pe diagonala, eu spre tine...

Am deschis usa si Ea ne-a spus ca putem lua oricand cele 28 (or were they 21?) de lifturi asezate in ordine pe partea stanga a unui palier luminat si expus intemperiilor prin niste pereti mult prea subtiri pentru a putea asigura cladirea in caz de calamitati... i felt exposed, felt there were dim windows everywhere... once again i cannot remember how it all happened next but i remember a group o nurses or medical personnel standing in a corridor not large enough for a stretcher to pass, stateau in cerc si pareau sa puna la cale soarta ecuatiei... they had called the intervention teams to fix the light since earlier, cand am plecat de langa coloane, ne-am pus intrebarea daca vom ajunge la etajele superioare pe scari cand fata lui R. era prea putin luminata ca sa vedem... i feared we wouldn’t and cared to see safe... asa ca am decis sa luam ascensorul... din cele 28 pareau doar doua si unul singur a adus in incapere o echipa de jandarmi cu casti si pusti, violet caramizii, au inceput sa traga... am vazut atunci oameni intregi care ridicau mainile si spuneau ca nu sunt de vina numai pentru a se alege cu gloante in corp, oameni care nu parusera initial sa incapa in holul unde numai cercul cadrului medical incapea sa discute despre cine va veni sa ne salveze de pana de curent... they seemed to be everywhere but only when i opened the door i had used to come into the room earlier m-am trezit, dupa o verificare in prealabil a geamurilor prin care am observat hala cu moloz pe care o strabatusem, m-am trezit ca usile se intredeschid si ma trezesc cu militarii in fata... i also tried to tell them i was innocent and i turned around slowly intrucat parusera sa fie mai receptivi dupa ce m-am dat chiar cativa pasi mai in spate prin miscari deloc bruste... got, then, shot in the back, pe diagonala stanga... n-am simtit durere si nici spaima decat aceea ca mi se decoloreaza buzele... am rugat-o sa se uite pe sub tricoul maro daca imi curge sange... l-a ridicat si am simtit un portocaliu gretos invadand intreaga paloare roz a spatiului holular devenind kaki... a zis ca da, dar cu un calm pe care mi l-am pastrat si eu... they kept planning, the circle of medical personnel... the military were coming but they seemed evanescent ca si cand eu impuscat as fi fost de partea cealalta a camerei de filmare... in spatele ei, operatorii pareau sa fi fugit de militarii suprinsi de o camera lasata in slow motion drept siluete intunecate ale unei frici nefiresti de pasnice, rationale, solvabile...

Ultima replica: sper ca ai pijamale, da? De ce? am zis eu... Ma internezi?... DA, a zis Ea in timp ce rasfoia multumita, in capotul roz spitalicesc pagina 2 a fisei de sanatate rostogolita peste clipboardul in alb si negru tinut in fata profilului fetei ei alb si gri... statea la 2 metri in fata mea cu 2 capete sub mine, in hala pe diagonala holului... ma simteam calm, deconspirat, detensionat si prins intr-un ecou viitor care nu relationa cu mine decat pe planul sigurantei si afilierii cu dorintele lumii... i said that before... i seemed to have a place there where to not belong...

senzatia unui bordel hedonist de inceput de secol XX se impleteste ideal cu senzatia jocului de-a v-ati ascunselea... percept final, incipient, tardiv... post-freud, exonerabil...

imi faceam probleme daca sunt gloante adevarate sau pistoale cu bila pentru ca nu simteam durere... ma intrebam unde a putut sa loveasca glontul daca imi curge sange si simteam gaura in corp pe sub tricoul invelitoare dar cu toate acestea puteam respira iar inima imi batea ca intr-un corp inchis...

u called me dulciferous the next hour, and i felt confined to the light limitedness put into the silence and solitude of existence ltd. ... where had u gone? For the first time gravity seemed to pervade the soothing of my call...

luni, 9 februarie 2009

Aveam de raportat un abuz...

frica mea fata de frica pe care o ai fata de frica mea pentru tine... era rece... si imi ahtiasem camera cu un baudelaire ready-made si stiam ca telefonul nu poate pleca cu tine... in dupa-amiaza aceea, valurile s-au ciobit de fereastra... a curs otel printre buzele tale si nu stiam daca o caldura ca cea din visinele dianei m-ar fi determinat sa te cred... credeam in asteptarile mele si in afectiunea refulata... credeam ca vom renunta si ca m-ai acuzat atunci si acolo... esti snob si nu vedeai ca invidia ta se fofilase in conul jeansilor mei... si m-ai urat la fel de mult pe cat mi-am iubit eu tenesii a treia zi... atunci am stat intr-un colt de pat dominat de femei ce isi contorsionau bratele in alb si negru... si in gheata din pahar mi-am scrasnit dintii de platitudinea noptilor fecunde si a paharelor cu vise americane...

si vroiai particularizarea emotiilor, cand sentimentele ti le risipisesi in mania infierilor tacite... a doua eternitate e rezervata numai sensurilor giratorii am zis...

then i thought i was supposed to haunt you... you had your luggage attached to one half of your eyebrow and robert had a huge scar down the right angle of that camera... you always looked nice with electric blood drops on your arcade, you had me simpering... you didn't know i believed you felt more than visionaries did... i thought you're lips looked nice even in white in that self-proclaimed sickness... i couldn't care that much for a number, but it was great... it was sweet, you said...
snatch your anxiety and fumble towards ecstasy... sarah? she's back from montreal... she doesn't know this much, but her cell's still ringing you know... i said she doesn't contort her hands... what about light bulbs you said...
there's a field of light bulbs in walter de maria’s raincoat... and he's been wrapping your luggage in yellow and red ever since I said... and i remembered pseudo-hollywood on top of a crater, left of the mountain, siding with your room on the top floor, behind the breezing quarrel and the sea of pelicans... concrete you said... i wouldn't feel it because i thought blooming tulips match the center of your lips... and the left of my nipple...

then why do flames look good on people?... it’s because they aren’t watching you said… and I felt vulnerable for the hundredth time and I believed strabismus is only a reason to be particular about the way you feel about the world…

luni, 26 ianuarie 2009


miroseai a lapte si pamant, si tin minte ca nu-mi placea fredonatul tiuitului din urechi, nici cele trei licariri din ochii tai... si am mai zabovit atunci trei minute pe cele trei minute pe care zabovit... si cum si cat?... unele senzatii nu sunt cuantificabile, am zis... and i never believed the poles were shifting... M.

duminică, 25 ianuarie 2009

the existence of "something that it is like" to be something

craving for longing, a guy who never admits he's lost other people's reality when they trusted him more... he was out of a multitude of systems long before he had any idea how to build his own... he took hammers and put them to work... and they crumbled longing and spread the sound of dissoluteness in his creepin' motivation... i lost you there... you said happiness in slavery... i said not even as much as bread and butter... it's just an indefinite romance with a whirlwind of crime, of bleeding craving... i said longing before... you said i couldn’t hate you...

i'd break myself off... i put passion in the expelling of my air... i put passion into a squirming desire to have you like you did... or everybody else... they can't see what i want… i don't break my desires by fulfilness... disappointment can't last long but it can become...

i lost you back... the image called to the belonger... come down through...

there's always someone i find myself in... it's always me you said… too much already... new york on the leaving hour... it gets cheesy but i still wouldn't trade... my imagination falls on those hammers, it builds them up... it's like smashing pumpkins on a six transistor... it's like i'm in you both and you have me missing out on you... i called you off since i took oana and my nonchalance away... got them rolling down those stairs and you felt hope and i missed you... i missed you so much... i never gave up...

mercury... that's what your voice rang like... then this fat lady with my blinding blue strap-ons covered you in her delight... enthralling... my head went left and right and up and down... there was this white shirt on you covered in a pink top and wrapped in a ckeckered beige irish stone wall... my hammers i called upon, but there was no piano to touch, no high tide to billow and i went into convulsions...

there's this galaxy in my ear right now... woosh-weesh whirling side-effect... strange cuz i'm diggin' this beat... it has your fate in it... it's got your face in it... i see your palm... and look you said... then i taught my hand to touch it...

and it's 2.09, luke... naturaletea ta ma face sa cred ca nu esti doar intr-un rol cu mine...

essentially, what is wrong with these beats... i never expect storylines or mozart to flout so devastatingly... make me say i'll never be, but could be different... i couldn't be so much... and strange seems to be recurring like drab these instants... it doesn't have to be like that, you said... different systems want more of you... opposites don't occur much these days... i guess this highway to bethlehem doesn't take sky-scrapers along...

i still feared new york was all about leaving...
someday easy... sunday? busy, you said...

marți, 20 ianuarie 2009


it has something to do with couple addictiveness you said… I felt safe si mi-am amintit atunci cand buzele crapate isi reveneau dupa cana ta de apa, in spatele tigarii si dincolo de standardele unor orizonturi largite cu pipeta… I saw mary’s writing in front of that page, I said… it’s something to do with weird people… it’s something to do with the Ghost… I raised a glass, made no toast…

si am crezut atunci ca Fecioara Maria poate fi iubita si de la un metru doi distanta… un clasic in viata... to me you would always seem nice, from afar… I heard the water pour down that drowning pipe and sobbing drained in a world of similar lineage… whatever it takes to make you feel, I said… however you may feel like… atata validare nu se acroda decat unui ceai de menta neindulcit… it would be a shame to spoil your newly found esteem for me, you said… „snobismul asta te omoara”…
I always thought an SUV would be a more possible time bomb… ce legatura au bordurile cu sentimentul tau de nerusinare? sunt un mod extrem de penibil de a-ti pronunta numele... a penis is not a share toy ai zis si nu te mai ranji...

luni, 12 ianuarie 2009

0. and the drums they came, then the beat again...

i thought you were cute but had some minor flaws which i was afraid to surmount for fear of not loving to have sex with you... i thought i was stuck and bored and i was tired... i couldn't identify my smartness or the cheap way you dressed... but who cared... i knew i wasn't good for you and disconsidered your excitement... i didn't feel like seeing you anymore...

am renuntat la faptul ca imi place la fel de mult ca atunci pentru niste tineri adorabili... jumatatile de masura la un pahar plin cu aerul expirat de mine in vinul meu, al lui stefan si al ionelei... stiu ca oamenii oanei sunt cei mai faini... m-ai imbratisat... dar nu ar putea exista doua eternitati... urasc cand dintr-o data se indragostesc... nu ma prea descurc cu tine, am zis...
... 2.
claudiu si oana... oana il cunostea pe claudiu si mi-a zis de el si ne-am cunoscut... oana ma stie de cand ne-am cunoscut... e mai greu dar lucreaza in acelasi domeniu... sau nu... nu mai vrei...

4. ideea oanei de urcari si coborari pe note ti-a placut si tie... rapsodism... si nu ma sunai fiindca mi-ai promis ca ai probleme cu vocea... ti-am zis ca as iubi orice pentru ca am nevoie de un fetis... suna dragut ai zis... am o majoritate de sunete aparte...

vineri, 2 ianuarie 2009

prezbiacuzie noua...